Why Wolfpack

Wolfpack represents a defining period of my life. This blog is about everything from now on. I keep a journal as well

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Obituary of my grandfather Daniel J. Duffy
This article appeared in a Philadelphia newspaper during the week of August 4, 1935.




Well-known Business Man, Founder of Duffy Brothers, Inc., Passes Away at His Home – Helped Establish the Meat Packing Business Located at Front and Venango Streets – Was Energetic and Enterprising and Devoted to Every Cause That Promised Betterment of the Community.

Philadelphia, its environs and many other communities were shocked to hear of the death of Daniel J. Duffy, Sr., president of Duffy Brothers, Inc., meat packers who passed away at his home, 1139 Dyre Street, last Friday, August 2. His qualities as a citizen and a business man were such that he will be sorely missed.
Mr. Duffy belonged to that sturdy and dependable race of business builders who showed initiative and energy and truly devoted their lives to the betterment of mankind. Mr. Duffy devoted himself to the conduct of a firm that gave employment to many and always maintained the highest traditions of business integrity.
Mr. Duffy was the founder of the meat packing business located at Front and Venango Streets - an enterprise that has grown in volume and reflects the resourcefulness and personality of its founder. It will be continued along the traditional lines of honest business methods which has made the firm an outstanding success.
 Mr. Duffy was born in Strabon, Ireland, June 16, 1878. He came to America with his parents when only six months of age. He received his early education in the parochial schools of Philadelphia and started in the meat business around 1895. From a small beginning – like every pioneer – his firm has become one of the best known in this section.
Mr. Duffy was always interested in furthering any progressive movement in the meat industry throughout the United States. He was considered the best judge of livestock in the East.
Favored with a progressive and energetic type of mind, Mr. Duffy was successful in maintaining an enterprise which was noted for the high quality of its products. It is a tradition to this day that anything which comes from Duffy Brothers, Inc. is to be depended upon. Employing the most skilled workmen, the business also has the advantage of skilled management. The result was noticeable in the steady progress made by this alert and widely respected concern.
Mr. Duffy was a member of the American Institute of Meat Packers and the Holy Name Society of St. Martin’s Roman Catholic Church.
Aside from his business qualifications, Mr. Duffy was an upright and conscientious citizen always keen to help in any movement that looked forward to the betterment of the community in which he lived. His whole environment was made brighter for his presence.
The business which he established will be carried on by the survivors in the enterprise – his two sons, Daniel, Jr. and Andrew Duffy. Besides these, he is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary E. Duffy and two daughters, Elizabeth and Anna. To all of these the community extends heartfelt sympathy in the hour of their bereavement.
Funeral services took place Tuesday, August 6, from his late residence, 1139 Dyre Street, attended by relatives, friends and employees of Duffy Brothers, Inc. with Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Martin’s Church, at 10 A. M. Interment was in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.




v  I transcribed this verbatim from a blurred copy of a copy.

v  The actual name of the business was DUFFY & BROTHERS.

v  He was born in Strabane, not Strabon.

v  The year was 1935.

v  The business was sold later, I’m not sure when. It became Cross Brothers Meats which closed in 1979.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

I live in North Texas and work in Irving Texas which is supposed to be some hotbed of Islamic terrorism and sharia law. Yeah, I'm really scared of terrorists. NOT! There are 2 things that terrify me more here and neither one of them is Islamic terrorists.
#1 is people driving their cars with no regard for their fellow man. All they give a shit about is their phones. No shit. 75 miles an hour on the highway with their heads down looking at Facebook?, email? What? Probably catching up on the latest bullshit from the candidates. Oh yeah, red lights mean nothing either. Just like in Starman, "Green means go, yellow means go faster". Now that is terrorism.
#2 is BUBBA with his God given, second amendment six gun on his hip and his itchy trigger finger. There is no way that you can convince me that unrestricted open carry is a good thing. Again, home grown terrorism.
So all of the hype about making America great again and Stronger Together or whatever her slogan of the day is, is just so much crap. I remember "All The Way With LBJ", "Nixon's The One", "I Like Ike", "Building a bridge to the twenty-first century", "He’s making us proud again" – Gerald Ford, "A Leader, For a Change" – Jimmy Carter and many more. They meant shit then and they mean shit now.
So bring it on all of you Social Justice Warriors. Tell me how you think I'm a liberal shit-tard or whatever. If you think for one minute that Trump and Clinton have your best interests at heart then you might as well believe in Santa Claus because you have a better chance of him getting you what you want. (To see what a Trump America will be like just take a look at Austin Texas and what our Gang of Three is doing to this state.)